Saturday, October 27, 2018

the great power of thought

The Power of Thought 

The above picture are images of water molecules that have been prayed upon for Dr. Emoto’s work, “The secret life of water” (2003).
If you are unfamiliar with Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work regarding the power of thought on water molecules, please google it. His work has inspired much of my thinking and has guided my curriculum for self-healing. 
Basically, water molecules change with thought which provides some scientific evidence that the power of thought has its effects on nature. The average human body is 50-65% water. "According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 30%” (water.USGS.Gov, 2018).  

In everyday life, thoughts pop into our heads all the time. Usually, they are about things we have to do and things we are worried about. All thoughts are either negative or positive in nature and we need to be responsible for the way we look at all things and the content of what we are thinking. 
Thoughts are vibrations and vibrations are how we connect with the Universe (call it God or your higher self or whatever word is most comfortable for you). If you are thinking negative thoughts about a subject, you are, in essence, asking for more negative things about that subject. If you are thinking positive thoughts, you are asking (praying/vibrating) for more positive things. The Universe will align and give you those things. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

The Shiny Rocks

Let's play a game.

Look at the following picture:

Now, focus on the dark rocks...

See how they start to pop out at you?
Go back to the picture, and now focus only on the light rocks.

See how your brain organizes color?
Now, try paying attention to just the dark spaces between the rocks.
Cool, huh?


Why not only choose to focus on the happy rocks? By that I mean...

Why not choose to focus on only that which is good in our lives? Look how simply your brain will reorganize and allow................

Everything in your life has positive aspects that you can shift your focus on. Try it as an exercise for the day.
Focus on the shiny happy rocks in your life.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Fortune cookies

I have recently tried to pay attention to the lessons from the Universe. Not certain if Fortune Cookies count toward those lessons, however, I guess they can't hurt. I keep the ones that make me smile. I think, often, what a cool job it would be to think of those sometimes life-changing phrases that fortune cookies can be.

Recently, mine have been interesting in the journey "for me" of late:

Hmmm. gonna ponder on them. Not certain they have relevance. Not certain they mean anything. However, I am a student of Universal life lessons. (some call it divine intervention, angels, loved ones, or even GOD) Sometimes they have something to tell you!!!

Maybe Chinese fortune cookies are the way... Hmmm.

Thought of the day: Is the Hokey Pokey all that it is all about?

Monday, July 20, 2015


So.. Today I brag.
Today I give thanks to the Universe for the giving me the answers to my very specific prayers.
I have been a Law of Attraction teacher and student for several years. One of my favorite "games" to play, is to set your sights low and ask for easy things, paying attention every time to the little manifestations along the way.
As a background, a few years ago, I was working hard on the Law of Attraction, clearing my energy, focusing my vibrations through positive thought, when one day, I couldn't find a hair elastic for the life of me! Now, trust me when I say that I couldn't believe that I couldn't find one little hair elastic.. I knew I had lots of them, but they weren't in their usual spots! I could feel my energy boiling, as the stress of the search turned me from nook to cranny with no results. (you know the feeling, when you are fishing for something small... the stressful feeling that comes naturally?) Suddenly, I stopped, and practiced what I preached. I stood up, took a deep breath, and decided clearly that I would find just one hair elastic now, but I actively decided to manifest more hair elastics. I knew at the time it was a silly thing to actively ask for, and I also knew that somewhere in my house there were plenty of them. But I was all up into my Law of Attraction is Magic thing, and decided then and there to manifest hair elastics. Well, I did find one elastic right away, and during the next few days.. I stumbled here and there upon hair elastics.
Fast forward about a week, and I was looking for a pair of tweezers. I began my fruitless search for tweezers by reaching into a make up bag. I found about 10 hair elastics. (no tweezers). I smiled. I went to the next place I might have put the tweezers... more hair elastics. (Just to describe where I was looking, I have these containers with lots of little organizational pockets. In almost every one of them.. I found hair elastics. It was no longer about the tweezers, as I gleefully found stash after stash of hair elastics. Including an unopened package of them. I must have found a hundred elastics (but no tweezers, lol), and it felt like a cartoon where the elastics were seriously jumping out at me.
I stopped and marveled at my manifestation. I opened my overnight cosmetic bag and stopped myself as I joyfully reached through several loose dollar bills and reached for a few prize hair elastics. Suddenly, I realized that if I could do this with hair elastics, why couldn't I do this with money. Instantly, my focus shifted to the loose bills I hadn't even noticed a minute before. Boom, about $7 bucks. I went into my bedroom and looked in a junk drawer for my final attempt at tweezers, and I found more hair elastics, and a roll of $150 cash. (I work in the restaurant business, and just found some tips I had forgotten about) I also found 3 gift cards, and an uncashed check. Irresponsible? Maybe. But I was STUNNED how quickly, and how animatedly I had attracted those things.
Are you still reading? lol.
So, Long story long.. This spurred me to get more focused on the things I wanted to attract in my life. I wanted extensive travel for example.. and boy, oh boy, have I been the recipient of incredible travel. I have been so blessed by the many places I have visited, and I am scheduled to travel again in the next few weeks for a trip of a lifetime with my family.
Picture the energy around you like a big thick foggy pea soup. You inhale energy as it passes by you, the vibrations, like internet emails, flowing in and out of your unconsciousness.
What do you think as you inhale? as you exhale? What energy are you emitting into this thick pea soup of energy that we all connect to? What energy are you absorbing?

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Is the road to hell REALLY paved with good intentions?

I set out to do this blog a few years ago with the intention of exploring different churches and writing about the way they made me feel. That lasted about a few weeks. In fact, life got in the way so fast, and I found myself working on Sundays, and soon, I was out of the blog habit. Plus, as I read the posts from that era. Holy smokes. Edit much? Very lengthy. Oops. Anyway, The last few years have been filled with much spirituality, and the path has led me to many wonderful manifestations and epiphanies. I continue to learn about religions around the world. I love to find the common denominator. Is it Love? Is it Peace? Is it Kindness? What do we have in common? What are our differences? In my quest for spirituality, I continue to gravitate towards a more science based religion. Energy, Universal influence, Quantum physics... all fascinate me and can be applied to religious prayer and belief. I will continue to study, ask, think, listen, learn about religions and God (call it what we will). I will continue to write about my experiences on this journey. I'll try to keep them a little shorter in the future. Intentions sometimes lead us onto different paths than the one we start out on. I am trying to give myself permission to change paths on this blog. Since I am in charge of my own path, my own destiny, my own blog. Permission granted.

Being Present is a Present

I am currently enjoying a personal project where I try to practice the art of being present. By this I mean, every time I find my mind wandering, I force myself to pay attention to the details of what I am currently doing and to find enjoyment in the detail. It's kinda fun. For example, yesterday, a beautiful day, I went for a short bike ride. A time when I usually let my mind wander freely, I write stories in my head, plan businesses, spend imaginary money, travel the world, plan art projects, laugh about this and that. I am rather adult ADD at times, but I enjoy my own distractions, and since I follow through with my responsibilities, I usually let myself have this little indulgence. I digress. Anyway, on the bike I decide to be aware of every little detail of my bike ride. The moment observed, if you will. I listened to the songs of the birds, felt the sun warming my skin, smelled the flowers and the freshly mown grass. I felt thankful for the ability to ride a bike. I felt thankful that I had the time to do this. I found myself in a vibration of utter peace. It was truly uncanny. I continued to do it while driving, while sitting here right now at my computer. I am consciously finding the "Zen" in every moment. All I can say is that I feel great every time I do this. Not sure where it will take me, but feeling this peaceful vibration is totally worth the occasional thought shift.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

My backyard Jesus

Last summer (2014) I noticed in the backyard there was a dead branch in the woods and it looked like Jesus to me. I found myself sitting on the porch and saying things like, "Hi Jesus!"

Soon, I found myself talking to him, telling him my burdens, asking him for advice. Now, I knew full well that this was just a dead branch.

So, as I said before, I was so enchanted by this backyard Jesus that I found myself opening the blinds and saying, "Good Morning, Jesus!" each day. I looked forward to it. This picture was from last summer. Looks like Jesus, right? So, summer turned into fall, and fall turned into record snowfall winter. (remember the snow?) Life went on, and frankly, I'd forgotten about the branch in the backyard, and went on to other things (Like shoveling).

Fast forward to Easter morning....... I was getting ready for work, and thought about the whole Easter morning resurrection thing and thought to myself, "I wonder if backyard Jesus made it through the winter?" So I went to the window and looked out. I saw nothing. No Jesus. For a few minutes I was sad...... Genuinely sad. I walked around the house moping a bit about it.

About an hour later, I looked out the window again, and there we was. Backyard Jesus HAD made it through the winter!!! (I learned the next morning that at certain times, he was in the shadows and couldn't be seen easily) So, a true Easter morning resurrection!! He no longer resembled the full, vibrant Jesus of last summer. Now, beaten, battered, and downtrodden, Jesus was still there anyway. He had battled the cold of death, the winter of 2015, and he stood strong through it all. For me? Who knows? I got giddy again, and said something like, "Hallelujah! he has risen!" Ok it wasn't that dramatic, but still... the parallels.. the whole Easter thing. I got goosebumps. This picture was taken Easter morning: So, to sum up...I told this story to a friend of mine who said that I probably could sell backyard Jesus on Ebay or something and get real money. Which is funny to me, because, it could be true. However, I don't know.. I like having him out there. I like saying my good mornings to him (Yup, the branch). Hey, it makes me feel good, ok? Anyway, he doesn't look like he did last summer anymore. He may not make it through next winter as he is looking mighty weak.

 So... for now. I'm keeping my backyard Jesus just the way he is. Praise be.